ISO 18841:2018

Interpreting Services-General requirements and recommendations

ISO 18841:2018 is an international standard that addresses the provision of translation services for public and private organizations, setting forth guidelines and requirements to ensure high-quality translation outcomes. It outlines the processes and resources necessary for delivering translation services that meet specified criteria and client expectations. ISO 18841:2018 covers various aspects, including the qualifications and competencies of translators, as well as quality assurance procedures. This standard aims to promote consistency, accuracy, and effectiveness in translation services, thereby facilitating better communication and understanding across language barriers in diverse contexts.

Why i-LICS Certification?

It has all started with EN15038 in the Year 2005, as our experts were involved in developing the first European Standard in the Translation Industry. Then it became ISO 17100 in the year 2015. We provide therefore field expertise certification audits with added value for your systems through specialized auditors from the industry.

Ready to find out more?

Contact Us and book a strategic meeting to discuss the details of a Certification Audit. This free meeting session is only for organizations, not for freelancers

About ISO 18841 Interpreting Services

ISO 18841 is an internationally recognized standard that sets forth fundamental requirements for the provision of interpreting services. These requirements encompass various aspects, including the qualifications and competencies expected of interpreters, as well as recommendations for implementing good practices in interpreting.

The standard outlines the essential qualifications and competencies that interpreters should possess to effectively carry out their roles. This includes proficiency in languages, specialized knowledge in relevant subject matters, and the ability to accurately convey messages between parties.

In addition to specifying requirements for interpreters, ISO 18841 also offers guidance on best practices for delivering interpreting services. This may include aspects such as professionalism, confidentiality, cultural sensitivity, and the use of appropriate interpreting techniques.

Obtaining ISO 18841 Certification signifies your organization's dedication to upholding high standards in interpreting services. It demonstrates to clients, stakeholders, and other interested parties that your organization is committed to providing quality interpreting services that meet internationally recognized criteria. This certification can enhance your organization's credibility and reputation in the interpreting industry, leading to increased trust and confidence among clients and stakeholders.

Certification Milestones

  • Free strategic meeting

  • Your tailored proposal

  • Confirmation

  • Stage 1 Audit date

  • Stage 2 Audit date (Certification)

  • Obtain your Certificate

Showcase your success with the International ISO 18841:2018 Certificate.

When choosing an interpretation partner, the client wants to be reassured that they work with a secured Interpretation Service Provider to receive a quality interpretation. With the ISO 18841:2018 Certificate, you increase customer confidence and win more international clients.
