ISO 23155:2022
Interpreting Services - Conference Interpreting
ISO 23155 serves as an internationally recognized standard outlining the prerequisites and guidelines for delivering conference interpreting services. It delineates criteria concerning the qualifications and capabilities of interpreters engaged in assignments, along with requirements and suggestions pertinent to both conference interpreters and providers of conference interpreting services (CISPs).
Obtaining ISO 23155 Certification signifies that your organization's procedures have undergone impartial scrutiny and, supported by a representative selection of factual evidence, have been deemed compliant with the standard's specifications. This attestation underscores a dedication to furnishing conference interpreting services of high quality.
Why i-LICS Certification?
It has all started with EN15038 in the Year 2005, as our experts were involved in developing the first European Standard in the Translation Industry. Then it became ISO 17100 in the year 2015. We provide therefore field expertise certification audits with added value for your systems through specialized auditors from the industry.
Ready to find out more?
Contact Us and book a strategic meeting to discuss the details of a Certification Audit. This free meeting session is only for organizations, not for freelancers
Showcase your success with the International ISO 23155:2022 Certificate.
When choosing an interpretation partner, the client wants to be reassured that they work with a secured Interpretation Service Provider to receive a quality interpretation. With the ISO 23155:2022 Certificate, you increase customer confidence and win more international clients.

About ISO 23155 Conference Interpreting
ISO 23155 is an internationally recognized standard outlining requirements and recommendations for delivering conference interpreting services. It delineates criteria for interpreter qualifications and competencies during assignments, along with guidelines applicable to both interpreters and conference interpreting service providers (CISP).
Attaining ISO 23155 Certification confirms that your organization's procedures have undergone impartial evaluation and have been determined, based on objective evidence sampling, to align with the standard's criteria. This certification underscores a dedication to delivering high-quality conference interpreting services.
Certification Milestones
Free strategic meeting
Your tailored proposal
Stage 1 Audit date
Stage 2 Audit date (Certification)
Obtain your Certificate