ISO 17100:2015
Translation Services
ISO 17100 stands as a global benchmark, delineating the prerequisites for fundamental procedures, resources, and other pertinent elements essential for furnishing high-quality translation services under relevant criteria. Embracing this standard not only enables translation service providers (TSPs) to validate the alignment of specified translation services with the standard but also underscores the proficiency of their processes and resources in delivering translations that meet both client requirements and other pertinent benchmarks. These benchmarks encompass client specifications, internal standards of the TSP, and any pertinent industry guidelines, best practices, or legal requirements. ISO 17100 holds international recognition as a cornerstone standard in the realm of translation services.
Why i-LICS Certification?
It has all started with EN15038 in the Year 2005, as our experts were involved in developing the first European Standard in the Translation Industry. Then it became ISO 17100 in the year 2015. We provide therefore field expertise certification audits with added value for your systems through specialized auditors from the industry.
Ready to find out more?
Contact Us and book a strategic meeting to discuss the details of a Certification Audit. This free meeting session is only for organizations, not for freelancers
Requirements for Translation Services
ISO Translation & Localization Standard specifies requirements for all aspects of the translation process directly affecting the quality and delivery of translation services. It includes provisions concerning the management of core processes, minimum qualification requirements, and the availability of resources.
The standard is intended for implementation by Tips of any size. Certification according to ISO Translation, Localization, or Interpretation Standards requires all the provisions to be met. Still, the methods of implementation may differ depending on the size and complexity of the organization and, in some cases, on the volume and complexity of the translation service requested by the TSP.
LICS® ISO 17100 certification is therefore suitable for:
– Translation agencies (without internal translators),
– Translation companies (with employed translators),
– Individual translators who collaborate with other translators.
How do obtain ISO Certificate?
i-LICS® specifies the procedure to certify a service provider in the standard-specific certification schemes. Each ISO certification process involves the following steps: Application: Click Here (Application Form) Documentation: The service provider must file documentation containing basic information about the company, along with a self-declaration describing how the service provider complies with the requirements of the applicable standards. The audit: The core of the certification process is the audit, the purpose of which is to gather evidence that the service provider meets the requirements of the standard. This evidence includes, for example, interviews with relevant staff, checking records and client jobs undertaken, and monitoring activities. The audit is performed by a qualified auditor who has been trained specifically to conduct i-LICS/TUV audits. Review and issue of the certificate: Following the audit, the auditor sends the related report to the Certification Body, which will then assess the audit report. If the assessment is positive, a certificate is issued that is valid for 3 years. Surveillance audits: In order to maintain the certificate, surveillance audits shall be carried out on a 1-year cycle.
Certification Scheme Translation Standards, Terms, and conditions
1 Scope
2 Application
3 Initial and recertification audit
4 Issuing the certificate
5 Surveillance activities
6 Recertification
7 Requirements for auditors
8 Changes in normative documents
9 Amendments to the scope of certificates
10 Withdrawal of certificates
Being ISO 17100 Certified
What does the ISO Certification mean for you, as a professional TRANSLATION SERVICE PROVIDER? 1) All our Certified Translation Service Providers (TSPs)
are registered in the official database of the Austrian Standards Institution, this is what your client should know:
2) We send to the Embassies of the states of the European Union every three months a valid list of our CERTIFIED TRANSLATION SERVICE PROVIDERS in your country.
In addition as a certified TSP, you’re recognized worldwide
Contact us now and apply for a Certification Audit: /
About ISO 17100
ISO 17100 is an internationally recognized standard that sets forth requirements for the core processes, resources, and other necessary elements essential for delivering high-quality translation services that meet specified criteria. It outlines guidelines for translation service providers to demonstrate conformity to the standard and the capability of their processes and resources to meet client requirements and other applicable specifications. This standard is widely acknowledged as a benchmark for translation services globally.
Certification Milestones
Free strategic meeting
Your tailored proposal
Stage 1 Audit date
Stage 2 Audit date (Certification)
Obtain your Certificate
Showcase your success with the International ISO17100:2015 Certificate.
When choosing a translation partner, the client wants to be reassured that they work with a secured Translation Service Provider to receive quality translation. With the ISO17100:2015 Certificate, you increase customer confidence and win more international clients.