فرصة نادرة لاعتماد المترجم المحترف 
The Austrian Standards Institute & Lead Auditor EN 15038, Dr. Mohamed-Ali Ibrahim announce the: 
Certification Audit Plan (January – February 2013) for freelancers / one-person enterprise (OPE) in translation and interpretation services as:


1) Certified Translation Service Provider (OPE)
2) Certified Interpretation Service Provider (OPE)

·      Egypt/Cairo: MON 25th FEB, 2013
·      Germany/Mannheim: MON 28th JAN, 2013
·      Saudi Arabia/Jeddah: SAT 9th FEB, 2013
·      Saudi Arabia/Riyadh: TUE 12th FEB, 2013
·      Austria/Vienna: MON 4th FEB, 2013
·      Jordan/Amman: MON 25th FEB, 2013
Fees: Initial Audit EUR 260 only in JAN and FEB, 2013
usual fees for an initial audit are EUR 400
Certification pre-conditions
1) online application form 

2) Positive documentation check (upon applying you will receive the required instructions on how to complete your audit documentation)


3) Competent translators/interpreters. The competencies should be acquired through one or more of the following:
• formal higher education in translation/interpretation (recognized degree);
• equivalent qualification in any other subject, plus a minimum of two years of documented experience in translating / interpreting;
• at least five years of documented professional experience in translating / interpreting
AS+C International Certified Translator according to EN 15038 / International Certified Interpreter according to National Standard Guide for Community Interpreting Services. The validity of this certificate is maintained by means of surveillance audits on a 1-year cycle (fees EUR 150.00) and by recertification audits on a 3-year cycle.
Place of issue: Austrian Standards Institute – Vienna / Austria
Sample of the certificate “Certified Translation Service provider (OPE)
Sample of the certificate “Certified Interpretation Service provider (OPE)
Lead Auditor of the Austrian Standard Institute
Audit language: ENG/ARA
Steps of the certification process


Pay the certification fees to Moneybookers/Skrill https://www.moneybookers.com. Fees include registration fees of the certification body and certificate fees

We will send you the original standard texts along with our official certification scheme

Send us your audit certification documents according to the certification scheme at least 2 weeks before your desired date of the certification audit

After receiving your documents the evaluation process starts

Feedback by the Lead Auditor follows within 1 week

Pass on any missing data or documents required by your Lead Auditor

The Lead Auditor contacts you to confirm the date for your oral certification audit

Obtainment of the certificate (in case of a successful certification audit)

Register as a “Certified International Qualified Translator” or “Certified International Qualified Interpreter” in all our databases

Note 1: After being certified, you can apply for the Auditor Qualification Program to become one of our official Certification Auditors and Trainers of the Austrian Standards plus Certification in your country.
Note 2: After being certified, you will be listed in our official databases:
Note 3: We can only accept 10 applicants per certification date in each country. Confirmation is carried out according to the order of applications. Please always define an alternative date for your desired audit date. The certification audit is an interview to prove your qualifications. No written exam is needed.
Note 4: Further details of the time schedule of your certification audit will be sent along with your date confirmation